Dear Rotarians,
On Tuesday Denise Longo Quiñones, Assistant US Attorney and Chief of the Civil Division and of the Public Affairs and Community Engagement Division of the Federal District Court in Puerto Rico, described Project LEAD that they are bringing to public schools in Puerto Rico with the goal of helping youth understand how the court system functions and reflect on the importance of their decisions. It involves 10 sessions of two hours each. One of the more practical sessions goes into how continuing in school concretely translates to additional monthly income. They have gone to five schools and are looking for volunteers from Rotary that can help them. They also have a program to assist prisoners who have one year left in prison transition out of the prison system. Finally, they also have a program to assist youth in the juvenile institutions throughout Puerto Rico. One of the resources they are looking for are person who are willing to talk to youth about their life experiences.
Celebrating 106 Anniversary
San Juan, PR 00902
United States of America